showing 6 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Galaxian Namco1981 labelminimizeminimize
Donkey Kong Namco1982 labelminimizeminimize
Frogger Namco1982 labelminimizeminimize
Ms. Pac-Man Namco1982 labelminimizeminimize
Pac-Man Coleco (Namco)1982Pac-Man's goal is continually challenged by four ghosts: The shy blue ghost Bashful ("Inky"), the trailing red ghost Shadow ("Blinky"), the fast pink ghost Speedy ("Pinky"), and the forgetful orange ghost Pokey ("Clyde"). One touch from any of these ghosts means loss of a life for Pac-Man.

Pac-Man can turn the tables on his pursuers by eating one of the four Power-Pills located around the maze. During this time, the ghosts turn blue, and Pac-Man can eat them for bonus points. This only lasts for a limited amount of time as the ghosts' eyes float back to their center box and regenerate to chase after Pac-Man again.

Survive a few rounds of gameplay, and be treated to humorous intermissions starring Pac-Man and the ghosts.***Source indicating its official launch.***[media=youtube]iAuV1NVk4Z0[/media]
Donkey Kong Jr. Namco1983 labelminimizeminimize